Resources / Campaigns

16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence: 25 November – 10 December 2021

IANSA’s theme for the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign this year is “Be the Change: Disarm Gender-Based Violence Now!” It aims to engage people around the world and disarm all forms of gender-based violence (GBV). Small arms and light weapons (SALW) are used to perpetrate or facilitate GBV. GBV involves the use and abuse of power and control over another person and is perpetrated against someone based on their gender identity, gender expression or perceived gender. “Be the Change” will help motivate people around the world to stand up to armed violence!

The 16 Days Campaign is also an opportunity to start preparing for the eighth Biennial Meeting of the States on the UNPoA (BMS8), a United Nations conference to review the progress made in the implementation of the Programme of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons (UNPoA).

For this year’s 16 Days Campaign IANSA is focusing on the following:

  • Raising awareness of the need to disarm domestic and gender-based violence;
  • Breaking the link between (armed) violence and masculinity;
  • Ensuring that women’s perspectives and experiences are taken fully into account in policies and programmes on SALW control and gun violence reduction;
  • Amplifying children and youth voices to transform gender norms.

You can be the change to make a difference in your community and all over the world!

Aim for Change Campaign information
16 Ways to Participate in the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence
16 ideas para como participar en los 16 días de activismo contra la violencia de género (ESP)
16 idées pour participer aux 16 Jours d’Activisme contre la Violence Basée sur le Genre (FRA)
16 Days Campaign 2021 Social Media Tooklit
16 Days Campaign 2021 Social Media Tooklit (FRA)
16 Days Campaign 2021 Social Media Tooklit (ESP)
General graphic
Advocacy poster
"I support ending gender-based violence" poster
Graphique général
Affiche d'activisme
"Je soutiens la fin de la violence basée sur le genre" affiche
Cartel general
Cartel de activismo
"Apoyo el fin de la violencia de género" cartel
Strengthening the Connection Between Small Arms and Light Weapons Controls and the Women, Peace and Security Agenda (September 2021)
Room for improvement: An analysis of “gender considerations” in the 2020 Programme of Action national reports (July 2021)
Be Yourself! Coloring Book (April 2021)
Call to Action on Gender and Small Arms Control (Updated) (April 2021)
Women’s Participation in Small Arms Control and Peace and Security Initiatives (March 2021)
Youth are the Future: United Nations Resources for Youth on Small Arms Control and Disarmament (April 2021)
10 Things Men can do End Violence Against Women (November 2020)
Disarm Domestic Violence Campaign
Longing for Peace (2021)
16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence (2020)
16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence: 25 November – 10 December 2021

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